Searching for Subtext
Following a recommendation from All Things Linguistic, I’ve recently started listening to a cracking new linguistics podcast called Subtext.
…Following a recommendation from All Things Linguistic, I’ve recently started listening to a cracking new linguistics podcast called Subtext.
…Working with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is the bread and butter of many linguists. Although an intimidating wall of strange symbols at first, it doesn’t take long to develop a solid working knowledge and start using it for kinds of cool things.
…Today, I’m going to give my thoughts on the kanji learning web app Wanikani.
…The phonology of Japanese has always felt tidy to me. There’s a small set of phonemes - around 20. Syllables are generally CV (consonant vowel) or CVV1. It’s a moraic language. Simple. Recently though, there’s been a nagging question in the back of my mind.